Redis akronim dari Remote Dictionary Server, yaitu merupakan sistem penyimpanan data di dalam memory yang sangat cepat, yang digunakan digunakan untuk sebagai cache, database, antrian dan broker pesan.
dengan respon seper milidetik membuat redis berkerja sangat cepat melayani jutaan permintaan setiap detiknya secara realtime untuk berbagai aplikasi dan sistem.
buat temen-temen yang mau tau Install Redis di centos 8 berikut caranya;
[root@www ~]# dnf module -y install redis:5
[root@www ~]# vi /etc/redis.conf # line 69: listening interface # localhost only by default # if you'd like to connect from other Hosts, # hange to the own IP address or set to [] bind # line 92: listening port port 6379 # line 136: daemonize setting # if you use Redis as service daemon, turn to [yes] daemonize no # line 186: number of Databases # database ID is assgined from 0 to (setting value - 1) databases 16 # line 218: save caching Datase on Disk # the default settings below means like follows # after 900 sec if at least 1 key changed # after 300 sec if at least 10 keys changed # after 60 sec if at least 10000 keys changed # if you'd like to disable this function, comment out all lines fo "save ***" or specify [save ""] save 900 1 save 300 10 save 60 10000 # line 508: authentication password requirepass password # line 699: alternative persistence mode ("yes" means enabled) # if enabled, Redis loses high performance but get more safety appendonly no # line 729: if enabled [appendonly yes] when wirting data on Disk # [no] means do not fsync by Redis (just let the OS flush the data) # appendfsync always appendfsync everysec # appendfsync no # start Redis if set daemonize yes [root@www ~]# systemctl enable --now redis3. Agar Redis Bekerja dengan baik di linux jangan lupa agar di kecualikan di rule Firewall. untuk yang ga tau Cara Install Firewalld Di Linux Centos 7
[root@www ~]# firewall-cmd --add-service=redis --permanent success [root@www ~]# firewall-cmd --reload success
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